Trouble Messages: Bob PetHair SLAM

Whenever Bob runs into trouble, he will stop and his trouble indicator will blink. Check the bObsweep app for further details.

Follow along with the video below to find out the most probable solution to each of Bob's Trouble Messages. Scroll down to read a breakdown of each one.

Solutions for Bob's Trouble Messages:

If Bob's issue persists after following all the suggested steps, please contact our customer care center for further assistance. You can reach them at, or 1-888-549-8847 for support in the US & Canada. Our business hours are 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday, and 10 am - 2 pm on Saturday (Pacific Standard Time).

Trouble: Not Charging

Bob has been manually placed on the station, pushed too far close to the end.

What to do:

  • Simply pull him back a half inch so his charging plates align with the station's. When aligned correctly, after a few seconds Bob's screen lights up and the charging indicator (battery sign) starts blinking to confirm Bob is being charged.

Trouble: Left Wheel

The left wheel is jammed.

What to do:

  • Check for obstruction and clean.

Trouble: Right Wheel

The right wheel is jammed.

What to do:

  • Check for obstruction and clean.

Trouble: Off Ground

Wheels are off the ground.

What to do:

  • Place Bob back on the ground.

Trouble: Main Brush

Main brush is jammed.

What to do:

  • Remove and clean.

Trouble: Side Brushes

Side brushes are jammed

What to do:

  • Remove and clean.

      Trouble: Bumper

      Bumper’s touch sensor is jammed.

      What to do:

      • Check the bumper for obstruction and clean.

      Trouble: LiDAR

      SLAM LiDAR is not clean/lost visibility.

      What to do:

      • Check for obstruction and clean.

        Trouble: Edge Sensor

        Bob is near a cliff / Edge sensors are dirty.

        What to do:

        • Move Bob to safety / Clean sensors.

        Trouble: Low Battery

        Low battery

        What to do:

        • Charge Bob.

        Trouble: Power Error

        Power error.

        What to do:

        • Check the battery connection.

        Trouble: Vacuum Motor

        Vacuum motor is jammed

        What to do:

        • Open the filter container and remove any congestion.

        Trouble: Dustbin

        Dustbin is disconnected.

        What to do:

        • Remove, wipe the connectors, and reinsert.

        Trouble: Mop

        Mop attachment is disconnected.

        What to do:

        • Remove, wipe the connectors, and reinsert.

        Trouble: Electronic

        Electronic component error.

        What to do:

        • Reset Bob (switch Off and back On).

        Trouble: USB

        USB port error.

        What to do:

        • Remove item attached to USB port and reset Bob.

        Trouble: Navigation

        Bob is stuck or has environmental trouble.

        What to do:

        • Clear cleaning path and reset Bob.

        Trouble: Other

        Bob needs a Checkup Test.

        What to do:

        • Contact customer support.