Trouble Messages: Bob PetHair Appetite
Whenever Bob runs into trouble, he will stop and his Light Ring will turn red. Check the bObsweep app for further details.
Follow along with the video below to find out the most probable solution to each of Bob's Trouble Messages. Scroll down to read a breakdown of each one.
Solutions for Bob's Trouble Messages:
If Bob's issue persists after following all the suggested steps, please contact our customer care center for further assistance. You can reach them at, or 1-888-549-8847 for support in the US & Canada. Our business hours are 8:30 am - 5:30 pm Monday - Friday, and 10 am - 2 pm on Saturday (Pacific Standard Time).
Trouble: Left Wheel
The left wheel is jammed.
What to do:
- Check for obstruction and clean.
Trouble: Right Wheel
The right wheel is jammed.
What to do:
- Check for obstruction and clean.
Trouble: Main Brush
Main brush is jammed.
What to do:
- Remove and clean.
Trouble: Side Brushes
Side brushes are jammed
What to do:
- Remove and clean.
Trouble: Bumper
Bumper’s touch sensor is jammed.
What to do:
- Check the invisibumper for obstruction and clean
Trouble: LiDAR
LiDAR is not clean/lost visibility.
What to do:
- Clean the LiDAR and move Bob away from mirrors/metallic surfaces and close to a wall
Trouble: LiDAR Bumper
LiDAR bumper is jammed.
What to do:
- Check for obstructions and clean.
Trouble: Wall Sensors
Wall sensors are dirty.
What to do:
- Wipe around the invisibumper and wall sensors.
Trouble: Edge Sensor
Bob is near a cliff / Edge sensors are dirty.
What to do:
- Move Bob to safety / Clean sensors.
Trouble: Battery
Low or disconnected battery.
What to do:
- Check connection. Reset, charge Bob.
Trouble: User Interface
Bob's UI/USB port is not responding.
What to do:
- Reset Bob and ensure the USB port is empty.
Trouble: Charging Station
Can't locate the charging station.
What to do:
- Replug the charging station and recharge Bob.
Trouble: Dustbin
Dustbin is disconnected or not correctly put together.
What to do:
- Reassemble and reinsert. Vacuum motor is jammed. Check for obstructions and clean.
Trouble: Stuck
Bob is stuck.
What to do:
- Clear away obstacles/clutter/wires and reset Bob.
Trouble: Electronic
Electronic component error.
What to do:
- Reset Bob (switch Off and back On).
Trouble: Navigation
Bob is not able to navigate.
What to do:
- Clear away any clutter/wires and reset Bob.
Trouble: Mapping
Bob can't self locate on map.
What to do:
- Check map accuracy/erase map for remapping.
Trouble: Settings
Current app room settings don't match Bob's.
What to do:
- Change map configurations/routines
- choosing a selection results in a full page refresh
- Opens in a new window.
- Opens external website in a new window.